by Justin LaClair April 18, 2022 3 min read
Farming Fish Farming and Aquaculture is a very rapidly expanding industry. With the fish industry seeing increased demand in their supplies in developing countries, every effort is being taken to increase production, with an emphasis on cost, reliability, and sustainability.
A high oxygen level is important for fish production. Tropical fish growers, wholesalers, and retailers turn to “on location” oxygen generation as a means to improve customer satisfaction. Standard Oxygen Generators help maintain the level of dissolved oxygen within the water and reduce the incidence of disease and mortality.
Oxygen aids in increasing the productivity of the fish and improves their overall health. Having a sufficient level of oxygen in the water benefits the growth of fish and reduces the amount of bacteria.
Aquaculture is one of the most fastest growing food producing industries of the world. There has been a rise of fish farming in developing countries in order to provide healthy and nutritious food to the population. Aquaculture not only improves food availability in these regions, but also alleviates poverty.
We are glad to help in all aspects. Here is how:
Fish Farming is done in controlled environments where employees can very closely monitor all aspects of the growing environment at all times. One key aspect is obviously the oxygen content in the water. Since fish breathe oxygen through the water they swim in, it is imperative that the oxygen content in their tanks is as high as possible.
Not only does this help the fish grow healthier, but also massively increases fish production volume at a minimal increase in cost. Plus the mortality rate drops significantly. With a relatively low purchase cost for the Oxygen Concentrator, and a very low maintenance cost, it makes perfect sense to add high purity oxygen concentrators to your Fish Farming application.
Government firms like the Virginia Department of Gaming and Inland Fisheries has successfully been using our professionally reconditioned Airsep Intensity 10LPM Oxygen Concentrator in their daily operations. They have about a dozen units operating around the clock, and are averaging about 2.5 years of constant operation (about 22,000 hours!) before needing the units reconditioned again. They will then be put right back in to service. With a high output pressure of 22PSI, this is a real workhorse of a machine that will be able to push all that oxygen through extended pieces of tubing if needed. An alternative machine with similar specifications would be the DeVilbiss 1025DS. Life expectancy on this particular unit would be about 10,000 hours of use.
There are a number of benefits using Oxygen Concentrators in Aquaculture. They are listed below.
Justin has been working with OxygenPlus since their storefront start in 1993. In 2002 he earned the title of CEO and has been operating OxygenPlus ever since. Most of the time if you call, Justin will answer the phone. He tries to be extremely hands on with most every transaction that takes place. Raised with a very high quality standard, any work must meet his satisfaction before it is approved. He is a classic car enthusiast, loves traveling either for work or pleasure, and is a renewable energy advocate. As of 2015, he saw to it that his personal home, and OxygenPlus Medical run 100% off of solar power.
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